Szavazz Te is a neked legjobban tetsző tervre! A július 10. 23.59 percig legtöbb szavazatot kapó pályamunkát megvalósítjuk!
A szavazás menete:
1. “like”-old az Ille-Olla facebook lapját
2. menj rá a képeknél a StyleWalker Night pályázatok albumra
3. az albumban “like”-old a neked lejobban tetsző tervet
The drafts of the Ille-Olla cardigan-jackets which were designed on the Style Walker Night by the visitors can be warched under the photos in the StyleWalker Night Competition album .'Like' the one which you like the most! The one which receives the most votes/likes until the 10th 23:59 of July will be implemented by Ille-Olla.
How to vote/like?
1.On facebook you should like the page of Ille-Olla
2.Go to the photos and find the album called StyleWalker Night Competition album
3.'Like' the draft which you like the most
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